Please use the below form to get in contact with us about your next project, include any plans and relevant information that may be required i.e: Structural engineering.

Alternatively you can call or drop into our office by appointment.

Get in touch / Request a quotation

    Upload files (max file is 3) (10MB limit) (pdf only)

    Other ways to contact us

    Please feel free to visit our factory however, please note our opening times and that we are not open on weekends.

    Engage and see more on our Socials:

    Instagram: the.truss.joint

    Pinterest: thetrussjoint

    Office Location
    12 Hesling Court
    East Bendigo, Victoria, 3550

    Postal Details
    12 Hesling Court
    East Bendigo, Victoria, 3550

    Contact Details

    Phone: 03 5444 0148

    Opening Hours:
    Mon-Fri: 6:00am-3:45pm

    Contact The Truss Joint